Source code for

import re
import unicodedata
import uuid
from datetime import date

from django.contrib import messages
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.db import transaction
from django.db.models import Q, Prefetch
from django.http import Http404, HttpResponseServerError
from django.utils import dateformat
from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _

import courses.models as models
from courses.models import Offering, OfferingType, Course, Weekday, IrregularLesson, RegularLesson, \
    RegularLessonException, Subscribe, UserProfile, MatchingState, Voucher
from courses.utils import export
from payment.vouchergenerator import generate_voucher_pdf
from survey.models import SurveyInstance
from tq_website import settings
from utils.translation_utils import TranslationUtils
from .emailcenter import *
from .managers import CourseManager

log = logging.getLogger('tq')

# Create your services here.
def get_all_offerings():
    return models.Offering.objects.order_by('period__date_from', '-active')

[docs]def get_offerings_to_display(request=None, force_preview=False, only_regular_offerings=False): """return offerings that have display flag on and order them by start date in ascending order""" queryset = Offering.objects.select_related('period').prefetch_related('period__cancellations') if only_regular_offerings: queryset = queryset.filter(type=OfferingType.REGULAR) if force_preview or (request and request.user.is_staff): queryset = queryset.filter(Q(display=True) | Q( else: queryset = queryset.filter(display=True) return queryset.order_by('period__date_from')
def get_historic_offerings(offering_type=None): queryset = Offering.objects.all() if offering_type: queryset = Offering.objects.filter(type=offering_type) offerings = [o for o in queryset if o.is_historic() and o.has_date_from()] offerings_dict = {} for offering in offerings: year = offering.get_start_year() if year not in offerings_dict: offerings_dict[year] = [] offerings_dict[year].append(offering) return sorted([(k, v) for k, v in offerings_dict.items()], key=lambda t: t[0], reverse=True) def get_sections(offering, course_filter=None): offering_sections = [] course_set = offering.course_set.select_related('period', 'type', 'room').prefetch_related( 'regular_lessons', Prefetch('irregular_lessons', queryset=IrregularLesson.objects.order_by('date', 'time_from')), Prefetch('regular_lessons__exceptions', queryset=RegularLessonException.objects.order_by('date')), 'period__cancellations', ) if not course_filter: course_filter = lambda c: True if offering.type == OfferingType.REGULAR: for (w, w_name) in Weekday.CHOICES: courses_on_weekday = [c for c in CourseManager.weekday(course_set, w) if course_filter(c)] if courses_on_weekday: offering_sections.append({ 'section_title': Weekday.WEEKDAYS_TRANSLATIONS_DE[w], 'courses': courses_on_weekday }) courses_without_weekday = [c for c in CourseManager.weekday(course_set, None) if course_filter(c)] if courses_without_weekday: offering_sections.append({'section_title': _("Irregular weekday"), 'courses': courses_without_weekday}) elif offering.type in [OfferingType.IRREGULAR, OfferingType.PARTNER]: courses_by_month = CourseManager.by_month(course_set) for (d, courses) in courses_by_month: if d is None: section_title = _("Unknown month") elif 1 < d.month < 12: # use the django formatter for date objects section_title = dateformat.format(d, 'F Y') else: section_title = "" # filter out undisplayed courses if not staff user courses = [c for c in courses if course_filter(c)] # tracks if at least one period of a course is set (it should be displayed on page) deviating_period = False for c in courses: if c.period: deviating_period = True break if courses: offering_sections.append( {'section_title': section_title, 'courses': courses, 'hide_period_column': not deviating_period}) else: message = "unsupported offering type" log.error(message) raise Http404(message) return offering_sections def get_upcoming_courses_without_offering(): courses = Course.objects.filter( display=True, offering__isnull=True ) return [course for course in courses if not course.is_over()] def get_current_active_offering(): return models.Offering.objects.filter(active=True).order_by('period__date_from').first() def get_subsequent_offering(): res = models.Offering.objects.filter( 'period__date_from').all() if len(res) > 0: return res[0] else: return None def update_user(user, user_data): if 'email' in user_data: = user_data['email'] if 'first_name' in user_data: user.first_name = user_data['first_name'] if 'last_name' in user_data: user.last_name = user_data['last_name'] profile = get_or_create_userprofile(user) # convenience method. if key is not given, assume same as attr def set_if_given(attr, key=None): if not key: key = attr if key in user_data: setattr(profile, attr, user_data[key]) set_if_given('legi') set_if_given('gender') set_if_given('phone_number') set_if_given('student_status') set_if_given('body_height') set_if_given('newsletter') set_if_given('get_involved') if not user_data["picture"]: profile.picture = None else: name = user_data['picture'].name user_data['picture'].name = "{}.{}".format(uuid.uuid4(), name.split(".")[-1]) set_if_given('picture') set_if_given('about_me') set_if_given('birthdate') set_if_given('nationality') set_if_given('residence_permit') set_if_given('ahv_number') if all((key in user_data) for key in ['street', 'plz', 'city']): if profile.address: profile.address.street = user_data['street'] profile.address.plz = user_data['plz'] = user_data['city'] else: profile.address = models.Address.objects.create_from_user_data(user_data) if all((key in user_data) for key in ['iban']): if profile.bank_account: profile.bank_account.iban = user_data['iban'] profile.bank_account.bank_name = user_data['bank_name'] profile.bank_account.bank_zip_code = user_data['bank_zip_code'] profile.bank_account.bank_city = user_data['bank_city'] profile.bank_account.bank_country = user_data['bank_country'] else: profile.bank_account = models.BankAccount.objects.create_from_user_data(user_data) return user def find_unused_username_variant(name, ignore=None): un = name i = 1 while User.objects.exclude(username=ignore).filter(username=un).count() > 0: un = name + str(i) i += 1 return un
[docs]def clean_username(name): '''first try to find ascii similar character, then strip away disallowed characters still left''' name = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', name) return re.sub('[^0-9a-zA-Z+-.@_]+', '', name)
[docs]@transaction.atomic def subscribe(course_id, data): """Actually enrols a user or a pair of users in a course""" # Get course and user course = Course.objects.get(id=course_id) user = data['user'] # Get partner, if specified partner = None partner_email = data['partner_email'] if partner_email: # Try to find by email address partner = User.objects.filter(email=partner_email) if not partner.exists(): return dict( tag='danger', text=_('Partner does not exist!'), long_text=_('The email you specified does not belong to any user. Make sure your partner has an active account.') ) # Get user object for partner partner = partner.first() # Find existing subscriptions user_subscription = course.subscriptions.filter(user=user) partner_subscription = course.subscriptions.filter(user=partner) # Errors if user == partner: return dict( tag='danger', text=_('You entered yourself as partner! Please enter a valid partner.') ) if partner_subscription.exists() and partner_subscription.get().partner not in [None, user]: return dict( tag='danger', text=_('The partner you entered is already subscribed with someone else!') ) if user_subscription.exists() and partner is None: return dict( tag='warning', text=_('You are already subscribed!') ) if user_subscription.exists() and partner_subscription.exists(): # Link partners if not already done if user_subscription.get().partner is None and partner_subscription.get().partner is None: user_subscription.get().partner = partner partner_subscription.get().partner = user user_subscription.get().matching_state = MatchingState.COUPLE partner_subscription.get().matching_state = MatchingState.COUPLE return dict( tag='warning', text=_('Both, you and your partner are already subscribed!') ) # Get relevant info experience = data['experience'] comment = data['comment'] # Get or create user subscription if not user_subscription.exists(): user_subscription = Subscribe(user=user, course=course, experience=experience, comment=comment) else: user_subscription = user_subscription.get() # Handle couple subscription if partner: # Get or create partner subscription if not partner_subscription.exists(): partner_subscription = Subscribe(user=partner, course=course, experience=experience, comment=comment) else: partner_subscription = partner_subscription.get() # Link subscriptions user_subscription.partner = partner partner_subscription.partner = user user_subscription.matching_state = MatchingState.COUPLE partner_subscription.matching_state = MatchingState.COUPLE # Finish partner subscription send_subscription_confirmation(partner_subscription) # Finish user subscription user_subscription.derive_matching_state() send_subscription_confirmation(user_subscription) return dict( tag='success', text=_('Successfully subscribed'), long_text=_('You will receive an email shortly') )
# creates a copy of course and sets its offering to the next offering in the future def copy_course(course, to=None, set_preceeding_course=False): old_course_pk = if to is None: to = get_subsequent_offering() if to is not None: course_copy = course.copy() course_copy.offering = to = False if set_preceeding_course: cs = models.CourseSuccession(predecessor=models.Course.objects.get(pk=old_course_pk), successor=course) # matches partners within the same course, considering their subscription time (fairness!) and respects also body_height (second criteria) DEFAULT_BODY_HEIGHT = 170 def match_partners(subscriptions, request=None): courses = subscriptions.values_list('course', flat=True) match_count = 0 for course_id in courses: single = subscriptions.filter(course__id=course_id, partner__isnull=True).all().exclude( state=models.SubscribeState.REJECTED) sm = single.filter(user__profile__gender=models.Gender.MALE).order_by('date').all() sw = single.filter(user__profile__gender=models.Gender.FEMALE).order_by('date').all() c = min(sm.count(), sw.count()) sm = list(sm[0:c]) # list() enforces evaluation of queryset sw = list(sw[0:c]) sm.sort(key=lambda x: x.user.profile.body_height if x.user.profile and x.user.profile.body_height else DEFAULT_BODY_HEIGHT) sw.sort(key=lambda x: x.user.profile.body_height if x.user.profile and x.user.profile.body_height else DEFAULT_BODY_HEIGHT) while c > 0: c = c - 1 m = sm[c] w = sw[c] m.partner = w.user m.matching_state = models.MatchingState.MATCHED w.partner = m.user w.matching_state = models.MatchingState.MATCHED match_count += 1 if match_count: messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, _(u'{} couples matched successfully').format(match_count)) def correct_matching_state_to_couple(subscriptions, request=None): corrected_count = 0 for s in subscriptions.all(): partner_subs = subscriptions.filter(user=s.partner, course=s.course) if partner_subs.count() == 1: partner_sub = partner_subs.first() # because we update matching state iteratively, we have to allow also COUPLE State allowed_states = [models.MatchingState.MATCHED, models.MatchingState.COUPLE] if s.matching_state == models.MatchingState.MATCHED and partner_sub.matching_state in allowed_states: s.matching_state = models.MatchingState.COUPLE corrected_count += 1 if corrected_count: messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, _(u'{} subscriptions ({} couples) corrected successfully').format(corrected_count, corrected_count / 2)) def unmatch_partners(subscriptions, request): corrected_count = 0 invalid_state_count = 0 invalid_matching_state_count = 0 for s in subscriptions.all(): if s.state == models.SubscribeState.NEW: allowed_states = [models.MatchingState.MATCHED] partner_subs = subscriptions.filter(user=s.partner, course=s.course) if partner_subs.count() == 1 and s.matching_state in allowed_states and partner_subs.first().matching_state in allowed_states: _unmatch_person(s) _unmatch_person(partner_subs.first()) corrected_count += 1 else: invalid_matching_state_count += 1 else: invalid_state_count += 1 invalid_matching_state_count -= corrected_count # subtract wrongly counted errors if corrected_count: messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, _(u'{} couples unmatched successfully').format(corrected_count)) if invalid_state_count: messages.add_message(request, messages.WARNING, _(u'{} subscriptions can not be unmatched because already CONFIRMED').format( invalid_state_count)) if invalid_matching_state_count: messages.add_message(request, messages.WARNING, _(u'{} subscriptions can not be unmatched because invalid matching state').format( invalid_matching_state_count)) def breakup_couple(subscriptions, request): corrected_count = 0 invalid_state_count = 0 invalid_matching_state_count = 0 for s in subscriptions.all(): if s.state == models.SubscribeState.NEW: allowed_states = [models.MatchingState.COUPLE] partner_subs = subscriptions.filter(user=s.partner, course=s.course) if partner_subs.count() == 1 and s.matching_state in allowed_states and partner_subs.first().matching_state in allowed_states: _unmatch_person(s) _unmatch_person(partner_subs.first()) corrected_count += 1 else: invalid_matching_state_count += 1 else: invalid_state_count += 1 invalid_matching_state_count -= corrected_count # subtract wrongly counted errors if corrected_count: messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, _(u'{} couples broken up successfully').format(corrected_count)) if invalid_state_count: messages.add_message(request, messages.WARNING, _(u'{} couples can not be broken up because already CONFIRMED').format( invalid_state_count)) if invalid_matching_state_count: messages.add_message(request, messages.WARNING, _(u'{} couples can not be broken up because invalid matching state').format( invalid_matching_state_count)) def _unmatch_person(subscription): subscription.partner = None subscription.matching_state = models.MatchingState.TO_REMATCH
[docs]class NoPartnerException(Exception): def __str__(self): return 'This subscription has no partner set'
[docs]def confirm_subscription(subscription, request=None, allow_single_in_couple_course=False): '''sends a confirmation mail if subscription is confirmed (by some other method) and no confirmation mail was sent before''' # check: only people with partner are confirmed (in couple courses) if not allow_single_in_couple_course and subscription.course.type.couple_course and subscription.partner is None: raise NoPartnerException() if subscription.state == models.SubscribeState.NEW: subscription.state = models.SubscribeState.CONFIRMED m = send_participation_confirmation(subscription) if m: # log that we sent the confirmation c = models.Confirmation(subscription=subscription, mail=m) return True else: return False else: return False
# same as confirm_subscription, but for multiple subscriptions at once MESSAGE_NO_PARTNER_SET = _(u'{} subscriptions were not confirmed because no partner set') def confirm_subscriptions(subscriptions, request=None, allow_single_in_couple_course=False): no_partner_count = 0 confirmed_count = 0 for subscription in subscriptions: try: if confirm_subscription(subscription, request, allow_single_in_couple_course): confirmed_count += 1 except NoPartnerException as e: no_partner_count += 1 if no_partner_count: # if any subscriptions not confirmed due to missing partner log.warning(MESSAGE_NO_PARTNER_SET.format(no_partner_count)) if request: messages.add_message(request, messages.WARNING, MESSAGE_NO_PARTNER_SET.format(no_partner_count)) if confirmed_count: messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, _(u'{} of {} confirmed successfully').format(confirmed_count, len(subscriptions))) def unconfirm_subscriptions(subscriptions, request=None): for s in subscriptions.all(): if s.state == models.SubscribeState.CONFIRMED: s.state = models.SubscribeState.NEW
[docs]def reject_subscription(subscription, reason=None, send_email=True): '''sends a rejection mail if subscription is rejected (by some other method) and no rejection mail was sent before''' subscription.state = models.SubscribeState.REJECTED if not reason: reason = detect_rejection_reason(subscription) c = models.Rejection(subscription=subscription, reason=reason, mail_sent=False) if send_email and models.Rejection.objects.filter(subscription=subscription, mail_sent=True).count() == 0: # if ensures that no mail was ever sent due to a rejection to this user # save if we sent the mail c.mail = send_rejection(subscription, reason) c.mail_sent = c.mail is not None
[docs]def reject_subscriptions(subscriptions, reason=None, send_email=True): '''same as reject_subscription, but for multiple subscriptions at once''' for subscription in subscriptions: reject_subscription(subscription, reason, send_email)
def unreject_subscriptions(subscriptions, request=None): unrejected_count = 0 for subscription in subscriptions: if subscription.state == models.SubscribeState.REJECTED: subscription.state = models.SubscribeState.NEW unrejected_count += 1 if unrejected_count: messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, _(u'{} unrejected successfully').format(unrejected_count)) def welcome_teacher(teach): if not teach.welcomed: teach.welcomed = True m = send_teacher_welcome(teach) if m: # log that we sent the confirmation c = models.TeacherWelcome(teach=teach, mail=m) return True else: return False else: return False def welcome_teachers(courses, request): count = 0 total = 0 for course in courses: for teach in course.teaching.all(): total += 1 if welcome_teacher(teach): count += 1 messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, _(u'{} of {} welcomed successfully').format(count, total)) def welcome_teachers_reset_flag(courses, request): count = 0 total = 0 for course in courses: for teach in course.teaching.all(): if teach.welcomed: count += 1 teach.welcomed = False total += 1 messages.add_message(request, messages.SUCCESS, _(u'{} of {} teachers reset successfully').format(count, total)) def get_or_create_userprofile(user): try: return models.UserProfile.objects.get(user=user) except ObjectDoesNotExist: userprofile = models.UserProfile(user=user) return userprofile
[docs]def calculate_relevant_experience(user, course): '''finds a list of courses the "user" did already and that are somehow relevant for "course"''' relevant_exp = [ for style in course.type.styles.all()] return [s.course for s in models.Subscribe.objects.filter(user=user, state__in=models.SubscribeState.ACCEPTED_STATES, course__type__styles__id__in=relevant_exp).exclude( course=course).order_by('course__type__level').distinct().all()]
def format_prices(price_with_legi, price_without_legi, price_special=None): if price_special: return price_special elif price_with_legi and price_without_legi: if price_with_legi == price_without_legi: r = "{} CHF".format(price_with_legi.__str__()) else: r = "mit Legi {} / sonst {} CHF".format(price_with_legi.__str__(), price_without_legi.__str__()) elif price_without_legi: r = "mit Legi freier Eintritt (sonst {} CHF)".format(price_without_legi.__str__()) else: r = None # handle this case in template! return r def model_attribute_language_fallback(model, attribute): return TranslationUtils.get_text_with_language_fallback(model, attribute) INVALID_TITLE_CHARS = re.compile(r'[^\w\-_ ]', re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE) def send_vouchers(data, recipients): percentage = data['percentage'] purpose = data['purpose'] expires_flag = data['expires_flag'] expires = data['expires'] emails = [] for recipient in recipients: voucher = Voucher(purpose=purpose, percentage=percentage, expires=expires if expires_flag else None) generate_voucher_pdf(vouchers=[voucher]) email_context = { 'first_name': recipient.first_name, 'last_name': recipient.last_name, 'voucher_key': voucher.key, 'voucher_url': voucher.pdf_file.url, } emails.append(dict( recipients=[], sender=settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, template='voucher', context=email_context, attachments={'Voucher.pdf': voucher.pdf_file.file} )) for email in emails: mail.send(**email) def send_course_email(data, courses): email_template = data['email_template'] email_subject = data['email_subject'] email_content = data['email_content'] send_to_participants = data['send_to_participants'] send_to_teachers = data['send_to_teachers'] survey = data['survey'] survey_url_expire_date = data['survey_url_expire_date'] emails = [] for course in courses: recipients = [] if send_to_participants: recipients += [p.user for p in course.participatory().all()] if send_to_teachers: recipients += course.get_teachers() for recipient in recipients: # Get context for email context = { 'first_name': recipient.first_name, 'last_name': recipient.last_name, 'course':, 'offering':, } if survey: survey_instance = SurveyInstance.objects.create( survey=survey, email_template=email_template, course=course, user=recipient, url_expire_date=survey_url_expire_date ) context['survey_url'] = survey_instance.create_full_url() context['survey_expiration'] = survey_instance.url_expire_date subject = email_subject or email_template.subject html_message = email_content or email_template.html_content emails.append(dict( recipients=[], sender=settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, subject=subject, html_message=html_message, context=context, )) mail.send_many(emails) def export_subscriptions(course_ids, export_format): export_data = [] for course_id in course_ids: course_name = models.Course.objects.get(id=course_id).name subscriptions = models.Subscribe.objects.accepted().filter(course_id=course_id).order_by('user__first_name') data = [] if export_format == 'csv_google': data.append(['Given Name', 'Family Name', 'Gender', 'E-mail 1 - Type', 'E-mail 1 - Value', 'Phone 1 - Type', 'Phone 1 - Value']) for s in subscriptions: data.append([s.user.first_name, s.user.last_name, s.user.profile.gender, '* Private',, '* Private', s.user.profile.phone_number]) if export_format == 'vcard': data = [subscription.user for subscription in subscriptions] else: data.append( ['Vorname', 'Nachname', 'Geschlecht', 'E-Mail', 'Mobile', 'Legi-Nr.', 'Zu bezahlen', 'Erfahrung']) for s in subscriptions: data.append([s.user.first_name, s.user.last_name, s.user.profile.gender,, s.user.profile.phone_number, s.user.profile.legi, s.get_price_to_pay(), s.experience]) export_data.append({'name': course_name, 'data': data}) if len(export_data) == 0: return None if len(export_data) == 1: course_name = export_data[0]['name'] return export(export_format, title='Kursteilnehmer-{}'.format(course_name), data=export_data[0]['data']) return export(export_format, title="Kursteilnehmer", data=export_data, multiple=True)
[docs]def export_summary(export_format='csv', offerings=models.Offering.objects.all()): """exports a summary of all offerings with room usage, course/subscription numbers""" offering_ids = [ for o in offerings] subscriptions = models.Subscribe.objects.accepted().filter(course__offering__in=offering_ids) filename = 'TQ-Room Usage-{}'.format(offerings[0].name if len(offerings) == 1 else "Multiple Offerings") export_data = [] rooms = models.Room.objects.all() header = ['', 'TOTAL'] header += [ for room in rooms] export_data.append(header) row = ['TOTAL', subscriptions.count()] row += [subscriptions.filter(course__room=room).count() for room in rooms] export_data.append(row) for offering in offerings: subs = models.Subscribe.objects.accepted().filter(course__offering=offering) row = [, subs.count()] row += [subs.filter(course__room=room).count() for room in rooms] export_data.append(row) return export(export_format, title=filename, data=export_data)
[docs]def export_teacher_payment_information(export_format='csv', offerings=models.Offering.objects.all()): """Exports a summary of the given ``offerings`` concerning payment of teachers. Contains profile data relevant for payment of teachers and how many lesson at what rate to be paid. :param export_format: export format :param offerings: offerings to include in summary :return: response or ``None`` if format not supported """ offering_ids = [ for o in offerings] teachs = models.Teach.objects.filter(course__offering__in=offering_ids) teachers = {teach.teacher for teach in teachs.all()} teachers = sorted(teachers, key=lambda t: t.last_name) filename = 'TQ-Salary-{}'.format(offerings[0].name if len(offerings) == 1 else "Multiple Offerings") export_data = [] header = ['User ID', 'First Name', 'Family Name', 'Gender', 'E-mail', 'Phone'] header += ['Street', 'PLZ', 'City', 'Country'] header += ['Birthdate', 'Nationality', 'Residence Permit', 'AHV Number', 'IBAN', 'Bank'] for o in offerings: header += ['Wage for ' +] export_data.append(header) for user in teachers: row = [, user.first_name, user.last_name, user.profile.gender,, user.profile.phone_number] if user.profile.address: row += [user.profile.address.street, user.profile.address.plz,, str(] else: row += ["-"] * 4 row += [user.profile.birthdate, str(user.profile.nationality), user.profile.residence_permit, user.profile.ahv_number] if user.profile.bank_account: row += [user.profile.bank_account.iban, user.profile.bank_account.bank_info_str()] else: row += ["-"] * 2 # wages for each offering separately for o in offerings: offering_teacher_teachs = teachs.filter(course__offering=o, teacher=user).all() log.debug(list(offering_teacher_teachs)) wage = 0 for teach in offering_teacher_teachs: wage += teach.get_wage() row.append(wage) export_data.append(row) return export(export_format, title=filename, data=export_data)