5.3. Translations

5.3.2. What to do

Essentially, you have to run two scripts:


5.3.3. Mac: install gettext

  1. brew install gettext in Terminal and then
  2. brew link gettext --force to make it work ;)

5.3.4. Manual way (deprecated for our project)

Run django-admin makemessages -a to create the .po files. Note: Works only with gettext installed, see below for installation

Then after you’ve updated the German text in the .po file you can run

django-admin compilemessages

to compile the language files.

Check in the language files to git as well, we don’t compile a second time on the live server.

Please use English as the default language and then add German translations. Generate new binary files (.mo) after changing ASCII file (.po)

docker-compose run --rm django python3 manage.py compilemessage