5.1. Python packages

This page contains information about all the Python packages that are used somewhere in the TQ website. Please keep the information up to date and extend it as new features are added. This makes it easier for newcomers to understand what is going on in the project.

Keep in mind that if the person who implemented a feature is not available anymore, this page is the only reliable source of information about the dependencies.

Package name version (date of last check for updates) Purpose of the package Dependencies Need exactly version x (reason?) Last commit to the project
django-ical 1.4 (26.08.2017) iCal calendar syncronisation Django>=1.3.4, icalendar>=3.1, pytz x ?
pylint 1.7.2 (26.08.2017) Rate quality of code and check PEP8 compliance isort>=4.2.5, six, mccabe, astroid>=1.5.1 x ?
graphviz 0.8 (26.08.2017) Write UML diagrams in good graphics formats, e. g. png x x ?
python-dotenv 0.8.2 (04.06.2018) Needed for ReadTheDocs.org ? x ?
sphinx-automodapi 0.7 (04.09.2018) Generate summary of entire modules ? x ?
celery 4.2.0 (11.06.2018) task queue PyPi 5.8 x 11.06.2018 (as of 11.06.2018)
django-absolute 0.3 (11.06.2018) “provides context processors and template tags to use full absolute URLs in templates” ? x 13.11.2018 (as of 11.06.2018)
django-analytical 2.4.0 (11.06.2018) provides an easy way to use different analytics services ? x 07.12.2018 (as of 11.06.2018)
django-appconf 1.0.2 (11.06.2018) “A helper class for handling configuration defaults of packaged Django apps gracefully.” ? x 01.02.2018 (as of 11.06.2018)
django-celery-email 2.0.0 (11.06.2018) “A Django email backend that uses a Celery queue for out-of-band sending of the messages.” ? x 05.03.2018 (as of 11.06.2018)
django-celery-beat 1.1.1 (11.06.2018) extends Celery so that periodic tasks can be managed from the Django Admin interface; periodic tasks stored in DB ? x 23.05.2018 (as of 11.06.2018)
django-celery-results 1.0.1 (11.06.2018) extends Celery so that task results are stored in DB; just defines 1 model: django_celery_results.models.TaskResult ? x 23.03.2018 (as of 11.06.2018)
django-classy-tags 0.8.0 (11.06.2018) extends Django’s template system ? x 28.08.2018 (as of 11.06.2018)
django-filer 1.3.2 (11.06.2018) file upload manager for Django Django >= 1.8, django-mptt>=0.6, easy-thumbnails>=2.0, django-polymorphic>=0.7, pillow>=2.3.0 (with JPEG and ZLIB support) x 02.06.2018 (as of 11.06.2018)
django-filter 1.1.0 (11.06.2018) “allows users to filter down a queryset based on a model’s fields, displaying the form to let them do this.” Django 1.11/2.0b, DRF 3.7 x 18.04.2018 (as of 11.06.2018)
django-guardian 1.4.9 (11.06.2018) per-object permissions for Django (see paper) Django 1.8/1.10/1.11/2.0 x 28.04.2018 (as of 11.06.2018)
django_polymorphic 2.0.2 (20.08.2018) “Django-polymorphic simplifies using inherited models in Django projects.” ? >= 2.0 (for Django >= 1.11) 16.04.2018 (as of 20.08.2018)
django-formtools 2.1 (20.08.2018) “Django’s “formtools” is a set of high-level abstractions for Django forms” ? x 28.05.2018 (as of 20.08.2018)
djangocms-googlemap 1.1.1 (20.08.2018) plugins for Django CMS to embed Google Maps Django >= 1.8 x 13.04.2018 (as of 20.08.2018)
djangocms-admin-style 1.2.8 (20.08.2018) pretty stylesheets for the Django CMS admin interface ? (doc speaks of Django 1.8 and 1.9…) x 10.04.2018 (as of 20.08.2018)
djangocms-link 2.1.2 (20.08.2018) allows to embed links on the website (?) Django >= 1.8, Python >= 3.3 x 17.02.2018 (as of 20.08.2018)
django-bootstrap3 10.0.1 (20.08.2018) “Write Django as usual, and let django-bootstrap3 make template output into Bootstrap 3 code.” Django >= 1.11 x 06.07.2018 (as of 20.08.2018)
cmsplugin-filer DEPRECATED!!!        
django 1.11 (30.08.2018) The web framework –> most important package ? a supported version (1.11 is LTS) ?
django-parler 1.9.2 (30.08.2018) Translations ? x 27.08.2018 (as of 30.08.2018)
django-parler-rest 1.4.2 (30.08.2018) Translations for django-rest-framework ? x 12.09.2016 (as of 30.08.2018)
django-mptt 0.9.1 (30.08.2018) NEEDS UPDATE! “Utilities for implementing a modified pre-order traversal tree in django” Django >= 1.11 (just a supported version) 0.8.7, not newer (Django filer 1.3.2 needs this) 01.08.2018 (as of 30.08.2018)
django-post_office 3.1.0 (30.08.2018) Sends emails asynchronously (also from admin interface) django >= 1.8, django-jsonfield x 24.07.2018 (as of 30.08.2018)
mysqlclient 1.3.13 (30.08.2018) “MySQL database connector for Python (with Python 3 support)” ? >= 1.3.13 (because Alpine1.8 packages were renamed) 27.06.2018 (as of 30.08.2018)
django-countries 5.3.2 (04.09.2018) “A Django application that provides country choices for use with forms, flag icons static files, and a country field for models.” ? x 03.09.2018 (as of 04.09.2018)
django-sekizai 0.10.0 (05.09.2018) Makes it possible to load all JS & CSS files at the same location in the source code (see blog) ? x 23.09.2016 (as of 05.09.2018)
base36 0.1.1 (05.09.2018) represents strings in base36 (needed for our Unique Subscription Identifiers [USIs]) ? x 07.06.2015 (as of 05.09.2018)
PyPDF2 1.26.0 (05.09.2018) NOT NECESSARY ANYMORE! needed for PDF export of vouchers (CURRENTLY BROKEN! more details <https://github.com/tanzquotient/tq_website/issues/70>_) Pillow (on Alpine system, not virtualenv!) x 25.06.2018 (as of 05.09.2018)